Setting up Github pages

I know I know, I’m a little late to the party. Github pages has been around for a fairly long time already. Easy personal website to showcase yourself or your project powered by Jekyll.

Let’s jump straight to it

First, you’ll need to create a new repository in Github following the It’ll need at least an index.html, then you will be able to publish as a Github page. Documentation helps too.

Choosing a theme

There are several ways to pretty up your github page. Github comes with a few Jekyll themes you can choose from. Try them out by going to Settings in your repo tab, and select Choose a theme

Choose a theme you like and Select theme.

Alternative way - Use a template

Another way to get themes is to fork it from other people who have made their Github pages. For example Hyde is a Jekyll theme made by @mdo, Art Director of Github.

Fork the theme and rename it to your, then modify it as much as you like.

Setting up _config.yml

Some dependencies have been deprecated in Jekyll 3.0, so you’ll have to make sure the _config.yml is working as it should. A good template/theme will allow you to change variables easily in 1 config file.

it should look something like this:

    # Dependencies

    markdown:         kramdown

    highlighter:      rouge

    # Permalinks

    permalink:        pretty

    # Setup

    title:            Jellene Khoh


    description:      'Mashpotato & Rye'


    baseurl:          /


      name:           'jellene4eva'


    paginate:         5

    # Custom vars

    version:          0.0.1



Aaaannnddd that should be it. Lycka till, happy typing!